KAYA [Hello]
"It is a deeply felt, passionate work that feels both hard-won and joyous. Kaya is a study in contrasts, an examination of the diverse life experiences that comprise modern Australia."
The West Australian 17 Oct 2016 REVIEW VARNYA BROMILOW
Cast: Flouer Alder, Mel Eades, Kate Harman, Amrita Hepi, Tao Issaro, Trevor Jamieson, Kelton Pell, Isha Sharvani, Michael Smith, Tobias Wolinski, Ian Wilkes (Bunbury)
Director: Mark Howett
Company Dramaturg : Phil Thomson
Choreography: Cast, creatives, Ian Wilkes, Lynette Narkle and Gail Yorkshire
Production Managers: Chloe Ogilvie and Susan “Fenty” Studham
Project Administrator: Adam Bennett
Designers: Matt McVeigh and Raquel Duarte
Road crew: Nathan Fry & Eduard Duncan
Publicist: Tracey Routledge
Interns : Alicia Gould and Cameron Lansdown-Goodman
Photo:John Green
"No wonder then that the audience gave Kaya one of the loudest and warmest ovations I’ve heard in years. Contemporary dance has long been saddled with an unfair perception of excessive seriousness or pretension — Kaya is the perfect antidote for this."
The West Australian 17 Oct 2016 REVIEW VARNYA BROMILOW
Photo: John Green
Cultures fuse and create a hybrid of Indigenous, Indian and contemporary dance in the enthralling new work by OCHRE Contemporary Dance Company called KAYA [Hello].
Perth Arts Live 14.10.2016 Review by Cicely Binford
Photo: John Green
"A narrative isn’t the only important aspect here – what also counts is your sensory experience, and the impressions the production makes on your heart and mind. The ensemble is unbeatable, with dancers from a wide range of performance backgrounds."
Perth Arts Live 14.10.2016 Review by Cicely Binford

"OCHRE Contemporary Dance has begun an exciting new chapter under Mark Howett’s direction, and if KAYA is an indication of what’s to come, we can look forward to challenging, thought-provoking, inspiring works drawn from WA stories and culture."
Perth Arts Live 14.10.2016 Review by Cicely Binford
A news report on the production and the process
Tjuantjuanjarra Workshops with Toa Issaro Photo: Mark Howett
Kalgoorlie Workshops

Photo: Mark Howett